Monday, February 3, 2014

More to it than you think.

Most people tend to think being an infertile consist only of a pill or two... Well. Let me help you out with that assumption... 

Does that look like just "a pill or two"? Didn't think so. This is my life. So many pills I have to use a daily divider like a 98 year old and a phone reminder to keep up with how many to take each day and what days to take which drug/ injection. Yes... Injections. That I keep in my fridge and stab myself in the stomach with on certain days.  

I once read that "infertility is second to cancer as far as what degree of pain and torture patients will put their bodies through for a cure."

It's not always sunshine and rainbows.
It's not always a simple doctors visit. 
And it's not always just a pill or two.
There's more to it than you think...

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