Friday, December 27, 2013

Our Story...

The Short Story: (updated Feb 2015)

At the age of 20, I (Jill) met my now husband (Daniel). He has been the best thing to ever happen to me- the love of my life - my best friend - my soul mate. After 4 years and 1 day of dating, we got married. We became a family of 2 and decided to have children right away. We wanted nothing more than to begin our own family. We knew (with my history of reproductive issues) that it may be a struggle, but it shouldn't take that long, right?

And so began our journey...  After counting days and tracking months, seeing multiple doctors and meeting several new specialist, running test after test, taking every pill and injection you could imagine, ovulation test and pregnancy test, having several procedures and multiple inseminations, it was taking longer than we thought... 3 years longer than we thought. We were worn out. Mentally and physically. "Trying" was no longer fun, and all the while, everyone around us was easily getting pregnant. Ouch.

Heartbroken is an understatement.
Devastated is an understatement.
I was broken.

We decided enough was enough. I was not in a good place. I deleted social media, deleted my previous blog, and lost all hope... So with that- I quit. We were officially on a break.

We packed up and moved to Florida in 2012. Sand, sun, relaxation. No doctors, no counting days, no timed intercourse. Just enjoying life. "It'll happen when you least expect it and when you quit trying"... or so they said.

Well, after 18 months of "not trying" we moved back home in Mississippi in Sept 2013 and were still childless. We underwent a few more treatments and even had our hopes up pretty high at one point. I mean, we just knew we were pregnant before we even did the treatment. What a bummer. No baby. But we just knew it was about to happen for us. We felt it.

In May 2014, still no baby. Money ran tight and we were stuck. Again. So we "tried" on our own. If God wanted us to have a baby, we would have a baby. He is the miracle creator. He alone.

Here we are, February 2015! No baby... Though, we are not without faith anymore. After multiple miscarriages, God has shown himself to me more now than ever. He has given us the desire. We have decided to proceed with adoption! We still have 1 paid for fertility treatment left. So, we want to want to try again. He (again) has restored in me my mustard seed of faith. So as we begin the process of adoption and our last shot at getting pregnant ourselves, we know our family will happen in His time. And until then, we do what we feel He is leading us to do, and we wait, and we pray...

This is where our story picks up...


  1. Hey! I know you have no idea who I am but I'm friends with Savannah Perry. I would love to get your email address and share my story with you! Please check out my blog in the meantime! My email is! I look forward to hearing from you!

  2. Sorry, my blog is
